The PROBATE COURT for CINCINNATI, OHIO is located at the HAMILTON COUNTY PROBATE COURT, the Honorable Judge Ralph Winkler presiding.
The HAMILTON COUNTY PROBATE COURT is located in the William Howard Taft Center, 230 East 9th Street, 10th floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202. The HAMILTON COUNTY PROBATE COURT hears Probate cases for all cities in Hamilton County, Ohio, including Blue Ash, Cheviot, Cincinnati, Deer Park, Fairfield, Forest Park, Harrison, Village of Indian Hill, Madeira, Montgomery, Mount Healthy, North College Hill, Norwood, Reading, Springdale, and Wyoming, Ohio.
The HAMILTON COUNTY PROBATE COURT hears cases concerning:
The appointment of personal representatives including guardianships for children and conservatorships for incapacitated adults;
The distribution and handling of estates of people who have died;
Petitions regarding trust administration;
Review and accounting of guardians and conservators;
Disputes about wills, trusts, and powers of attorney; and
Other matters that may arise under the Ohio Probate code.
Probate cases can be complicated. You may want to speak with an experienced Cincinnati probate lawyer.
A lawyer can help you better understand the risks and responsibilities of your case.
We can help refer you to an appropriate Cincinnati Probate Lawyer for your case, if you CONTACT US here.